The origins of this project lie in the desire to share, with others, a unique and especially fascinating world to which man has devoted all his skill and ability in order to create and amaze.
Knowledge, technique and above all passion are needed by those who create and, at times, by those who admire: these are essential prerequisites to achieve something extraordinary.
Our aim is to make people more aware of what is around them and to help them explore what we consider worth unveiling. To do so, we decided to bring everything together by seeking to present each item, unique in its field, to you in a few words.
Gala of Vanities aims to become an exclusive ‘occasion’, where every subject is invited to adhere to a simple yet strict dress code: surprise.
Here one may admire the most wonderful creations man is able to devise, precisely because of this knowledge, technique and passion; and in a world in which the word ‘luxury’ has become a synonym of frivolity or even vulgarity, Gala of Vanities has taken on itself the task of raising it to its noblest height, namely that of the luxury of ‘awareness’.